It's been three years since my last pretty image, not including the spectra. This is the first image taken with my transitional platform that's built around an AT65EDQ imaging scope, Losmandy G11G mount, and SBIG ST-8300M CCD. On the software side it uses APT, Stellarium, and PHD.
I chose the Cocoon Nebula (IC 5146) and collected the following frames:
- Luminance: 12 frames @ 5 minutes each, unbinned, CCD cooled to -10C
- color filters: 12 frames each, 2.5 minutes, binned 2x2, -10C
- 24 dark frames at each bin/time/temperature combination used
I processed it using Images Plus and Photoshop.
Cocoon Nebula (minimal crop, scaled) |
I'm really pleased with the performance of the G11G--the stars are nice and round. My processing left a lot to be desired, though. I clipped the dark end of the histogram and did not do a good job getting rid of the sky gradient; doubtless there are other shortcomings. But still, given that this was imaged through a white zone sky (Bortle 7.5) with only LRGB filters, I'm pleased.
Link to Astrobin page for this image
Next up is learning PixInsight, and with some luck the smoke will abate and I'll be able to travel to darker sites.